I have to admit I get lazy about doing a journal about my migraine attacks. For several months, I've tracked the following info:
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- What days I have experienced a regular migraine attack which I define as:
- The migraine occurs shortly after I wake up
- My standard meds (DHE shot + Zofran) are effective.
- My pain only rarely goes over 8 on a 1-10 scale with 10 being unbearable constant *!&? pain.
- Days I have a migraine attack that do not occur in the morning.
- These are exactly like #1 except they occur after I have exercised, been stressed, left the house, etc.
- Days I have had a "monster migraine."
- These are the attacks that have no responded to my standard abortive meds (DHE shot and Zofran) so I took Stadol and Phenergan in addition to my standard meds.
- Pain is 9-10 most if not all of the day.
- These days I take lots of baths since that is one of the only things that will relax me.
- I also spend a large amount of time: laying very still in the dark with ear plugs, focusing on my breath, and reciting either Equanimity or Metta phrases.