Transparent Thursday!

I must admit I stole this idea from The Lone Tater blog. Each Thursday she lists a few confessions she feels the need to make. Love it!

1. Although I have 3 kitty pictures on my home page, one passed away a year and a half ago. My hubby and I had Tabasco for 12 years. But I still think of him as our cat--even though he's moved to Rainbow Bridge. Whuuuuttt?! You don't know about the Rainbow Bridge? It's where pets go when they pass away. Ends up it's really fun there. Tabasco has sent us some psychic messages though our living cats and told them he has been riding in a tortilla boat on a velveeta river. (He loved velveeta and tortillas.) Oh and there are fields of fish, too.

Here's a picture of Tabasco. My hubby photoshopped it so it looks like he's eating our other cat Pimmy. I do not condone one cat eating another, and no cats for harmed in the making of this picture.

2. It is very clear that I am insane.

3. I used to be a member of the Handyman Club of America.

4. I have to stop myself from drinking too much water. It's not uncommon for me to have drank 15 glasses by afternoon.

5. I wasn't really excited that Osama Bin Laden died. It's great and all, but I had kind of forgot about him. I'm not the smartest person by any means, but I am not sure Al Qaeda is going to be any less scary and evil without Bin Laden. (Before you hurt me, please see #2)


Kathleen on May 5, 2011 at 1:16 PM said...

Tabasco is an awesome name for a cat. I know about the Rainbow Bridge, my past pets are there!

I'm insane too. :D

and I agree with number 5. I'd kind of forgot about him too.

Visiting from the Alexa hop.
5 Things to Consider When Choosing Baby Names

Anonymous said...

Hi there,yours is a happy,free flowing blog that I am now following plus the fact that me and my children would love to have a pet cat.We hope to have one soon.I hope you would be interested to check out my food and culture blog.Thanks

Tree on May 5, 2011 at 11:30 PM said...

Love that photo! tee hee I agree with #5 and #2 for me too. LOL Stopping by from the Thirsty for Comments, and following now! :)

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