On this Mother's Day, please help the mothers in Congo

Did you know that the world's most deadly war since World War II is occurring as we speak? This conflict is fueled by the minerals used to create the electronics that are a major part of our daily lives. These minerals, also called conflict minerals, come from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Troops and militias in Congo fight for control over the mines that produce conflict minerals. They rape women and children, force children to be soldiers, and force people to labor in the mines.

Congo has been described as the most dangerous person to be woman and the rape capital of the world. 400,000 women were raped in 2006-2007 alone. The war began in Congo in 1996. Since that time 5.4 million people have died and 1 million have been displaced. Half of those killed are children under 5 years old. On this Mothers' Day, please take 2 min to help the women of Congo. Please sign this petition to ask Obama and Clinton to fulfill there promises to send an Envoy to the Congo to begin peace talks.

Sending an envoy is not a call for military action. Instead, as has been successful in resolving conflict in other African nations, it is a request for peace negotiations to begin. Such action will help create a comprehensive plan to provide a lasting solution for the atrocities that are being committed.

For more information please visit Raise Hope for Congo and A Thousand Sisters.

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Happy Mothers Day weekend to all the moms out there!

I had written a post last week and then was going to post the second part today about why I chose not to have kids without considering the timing. How dumb can I be? Mother's Day weekend? I guess that was why it was on my mind! Earlier, one of the mom blogs I follow had a post today about her struggles to conceive. She has also had miscarriages. Her posts about her struggle have broken my heart.

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Transparent Thursday!

I must admit I stole this idea from The Lone Tater blog. Each Thursday she lists a few confessions she feels the need to make. Love it!

1. Although I have 3 kitty pictures on my home page, one passed away a year and a half ago. My hubby and I had Tabasco for 12 years. But I still think of him as our cat--even though he's moved to Rainbow Bridge. Whuuuuttt?! You don't know about the Rainbow Bridge? It's where pets go when they pass away. Ends up it's really fun there. Tabasco has sent us some psychic messages though our living cats and told them he has been riding in a tortilla boat on a velveeta river. (He loved velveeta and tortillas.) Oh and there are fields of fish, too.

Here's a picture of Tabasco. My hubby photoshopped it so it looks like he's eating our other cat Pimmy. I do not condone one cat eating another, and no cats for harmed in the making of this picture.

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Weird Wordless Wednesday! What do you mean you've never seen a cat eating corn?

In honor of It's OK to Be WEIRD here is a pic of my Weird Wordless Wednesday!

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Part Duex! You might be a Migraineur if:

I've come up for more signs that you might be a migraineur if. . It's amazing what becomes difficult after I've had almost daily migraines for a few months. I cannot help but laugh at myself sometimes, so I decided to start a series.

You might be a migraineur if.. . .
1. You see a picture of a bear with sunglasses and wonder if they do wear sunglasses. Then suddenly you realize emphatically that bears do not wear sunglasses.
2. Grocery store circulars become incredibly confusing.
3. Making a grocery list becomes impossible because you realize Tostitos are different prices at different stores. 
4. Hanging up pants blows your mind
5. Hanging up pants leaves you winded
6. You tell someone you need to find the last 3 weeks of your tax returns
7. You're pretty sure you feel pain in your toenails when you have migraines.
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