A doctor first diagnosed with me with depression in 1996. I made an appointment with a psychiatrist when a friend strongly encouraged me to. I had expressed to her that I wanted to commit suicide, and she insisted I needed to see a doctor. I didn't think feeling suicidal was abnormal and was surprised to find out that some people don't ever feel suicidal. I assumed it was something everyone dealt with. Not that I was constantly making plans how to off myself, but I admit, it was a place my mind went to repeatedly at least once or twice a year. The psychiatrist prescribed me an antidepressant and I began attending therapy shortly thereafter. I quickly learned that I had been suffering from depression on and off for much of my life. Most of that time, it was a low level of depression, but at least once a year, I'd experience a deeper depression.
When I say depression, I am not referring to feeling down. Instead I refer to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV (DSM) diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder. Briefly, the DSM is a classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the USA. When I was first diagnosed with depression, I had a hard time distinguishing from MDD and being sad. Over time, I learned more about MDD and myself.
I now can more accurately assess when I've falling into MDD rather than a period of sadness, feeling bad about myself, etc. At such times I find I have most of the symptoms listed in the DSM IV. I know I've fallen into MDD when I feel an inability to pull myself out of the negative thinking, low self-esteem, loss of interest in activities, almost daily uncontrollable crying, feelings of despair, feeling unmotivated, and feeling like my mind has slowed down. I no longer have issues with wanting to commit suicide. I sometimes feel passively suicidal, but I only feel this way a few times a year for brief periods of time. For example, I would not mind being hit by a bus but I wouldn't do anything to make it happen. Normally practicing self-care prevents me from falling into depression. My self-care includes bubble baths, reframing my negative beliefs, meditating, reading, spending time with my husband and my cats, exercising, watching tv, etc. If I am unable to stay ahead of the depression for a few weeks, I call my psychiatrist to have my medication tweaked.
I am currently fighting to stay ahead of the depression. Since I've been getting frequent migraine attacks, it has been much more difficult to keep ahead of the depression. I've had a migraine for 15 days this month. That isn't to say that I've had a migraine 24 hours a day for 15 days. Many days I feel I'm at about a 5-7 out of 10 where 10 is feeling great and functioning normally. On those days, I sometimes have a migraine in the evening or the morning. Even so, I feel worn out and tired of trying to stay okay. My thinking and memory are boggled. I have a difficult time reading because I get mixed up and cannot remember what I read. I know the migraine attacks are diminishing in severity, so I keep reminding myself this. I know if I can just get through each day, I will continue to improve and will eventually be back to less than a dozen migraines a month.
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